What is Chris Bosh's net worth? All you needtoknow

Chris Bosh had a promising NBA career that was cut short due to blood clots found in his body. Still, that doesn't take away the fact that he's a Hall of Fame player and has accomplished a lot in his 13-year professional career.

Bosh was part of the legendary 2003 NBA draft that featured his co-stars LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. Both players would form a generational "Big Three" in South Beach to win two NBA titles. The Miami Heat organization later retired his jersey number to honor everything he did for the city and the team.

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The 11-time All-Star retired in 2016. Which brings us to the question, how much is Bosh's net worth? Over the span of his decade-long career, the lefty big man had decent contracts that helped him establish his wealth. From NBA contracts to endorsement deals, all of these contributed to his financial security.

Since his retirement, Bosh's net worth has been estimated to be up to $110 million. In his career, he earned more than $240 million in salary. At the height of his career, the two-time champion earned as much as $26 million in annual salary.

Also read: 3 Reasons why Chris Bosh's No. 4 jersey should be retired by Toronto Raptors

Who plays like Chris Bosh in today's NBA?

Degree Shooting Stars Competition 2015

Chris Bosh isn't a typical big man who would bully his way to the rim for easy baskets. During most of his time in the league, he spent it being a face-up big man capable of stretching the defense whenever he saw an opportunity. This became prominent when he teamed up with James and Wade in Miami.

His tall, lanky physique allowed him to be more agile when he was playing. The former big man for the Toronto Raptors made a career by relying on his sweet jumpshot most of the time. In today's league, two players have shown similarities with Chris Bosh's on-court game.

Evan Mobley

Cleveland Cavaliers forward Evan Mobley

Evan Mobley is a promising young big who has all the tools he needs to succeed in the league. Looking at his game, he's like a hybrid of Kevin Garnett and Bosh, making him more special than any other player. Mobley is in his second season with the Cleveland Cavaliers and has been playing decently.

On offense, he has no problem shooting from anywhere, which makes him a matchup nightmare. Defensively, his length helps him cover a ton of ground.

Jaren Jackson Jr.

Memphis Grizzlies forward Jaren Jackson Jr.

The Memphis Grizzlies have found a gem in Jaren Jackson Jr. The fourth pick in 2018, he's shown why deserved to get drafted that high. He's a stretch four with an odd-looking jumpshot. But his defense has helped him in a ton of situations during the playoffs.

So far, he hasn't blown up into being a legitimate All-Star, but he's on his way. Jackson Sr. should be proud of how his son has been making a name for himself.

Also read: LA Lakers News: Chris Bosh picks LeBron James in G.O.A.T debate over Michael Jordan, Vince Carter on Denver Nuggets' chances in Conference Final

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