The Plastic Surgery Procedure Kathy Griffin Regrets Getting

Kathy Griffin is no stranger to telling it like it is, which also applies to the hot topic of plastic surgery. In Hollywood, it's not uncommon for stars to go under the knife for various procedures, but that doesn't always mean it comes with no regrets. Griffin is one famous name who wishes she would have skipped out on a particular procedure: liposuction. According to New York Daily News, Griffin talked about her botched operation in her book, "Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin."

To give fans a visual, the comedian included a photo of the area where she got the liposuction done, sharing that it was "so heinous you can't even believe it. And it's a picture of my botched liposuction that looks like a CSI crime-scene photo." Griffin added that she "wasted time worrying about" her "looks" in her memoir. "I am a comedian. I'm not on the runway in Milan. Believe it or not, people don't come to see me really thinking I'm going to look like Jennifer Aniston."

Griffin also opened up about her surgery on "The Rosie Show," saying she chose to go under the knife after a few kids taunted her over her looks. She also told host Rosie O'Donnell that, when she was older, an agent told her she would be more successful if she didn't have "that big nose."
