Rachael Ray addresses her haters

Rachael Ray was recently asked what she thinks about the multitude of people who dislike her chipmunk-like happy persona and make fun of her, and she responded surprisingly well. She said they’re right that she’s a goof ball, but it’s not like she can do anything about it so she choses not to focus on it or let it get her down. Rachael Ray bugs me too, but she definitely earned a lot of points with this thoughtful response. She also said she’s not some svelte model or actress, and that she’s a cook who has gone up and down in body sizes over the years. It happens.

Rachael Ray tells In Touch that she has one thing to say to critics who run web sites like IHateRachaelRay: “You’re right!” In an exclusive interview, Rachael says she understands why some find her annoying. “Most of the people who criticize me are absolutely correct,” she says. “I’m loud. I’m goofy. I don’t make my own pierogies. But what am I going to do, call them up and fight with them? You don’t deal with the people who don’t like you. I don’t work for them.”

Rachael blames the backlash on the fact that she spends time in people’s homes every day through her show. “That’s an intimate connection,” she explains. “If you try to be something you’re not, people will see through it.” She isn’t concerned about how she looks, either. “I haven’t been on a scale since I was 12,” Rachael says. For exercise, she does “the bare minimum so I can feel good enough to work: sit-ups and push-ups. I’m not an actress, I’m a cook. I’m sure I have been five or six different sizes since I have been on television, but I don’t care.

[From In Touch, print edition, March 9, 2009]

Compare Ray’s very diplomatic response to the haughty way that Gwyneth Paltrow addresses her critics – by saying they have sad lives or somehow don’t “get” her unique brand of snobbery. Ray is like “yeah, I’m me, and there’s not much I can do.” She is annoying, but she’s not full of sh*t and that’s incredibly refreshing to hear. You go, Rachael Ray.

Rachael Ray is shown on 10/12/08. Credit: Fame
