Pudges Mom Leaves Her Job to Manage The Socialite Cats with 600,000 Followers

Pudge The Cat, or Queen P to her dedicated fans, is a proudly mustachioed little lady who boasts over 600k followers on Instagram. She’s got the popularity of a socialite with the attitude of a laid-back dog, spending most of her days off lounging around Kady Lone’s apartment.

The flat-faced Exotic Shorthair isn’t too concerned about making tons of cash. Even though her mom quit her graphic design job in order to run Pudge’s social media and merchandise line full time, the pair make enough to break even.

Pudge had a YouTube channel for one hot minute called Pudge it Yourself. She would demonstrate DIY crafts in a miniseries covering topics such as How to Build a Cat Tipi and Cat Nail Art.

Creating a merch line for Pudge only came about from popular demand – serious feline fans who absolutely needed a picture of Pudge on their phone case got their wish. Kady keeps catfood on the table as the editor for the @cats_of_instagram page which has over 7 million followers.

Pudge has even garnered the attention of famous celebrities and animal lovers like Miley Cyrus. She rarely does endorsements and only occasionally will do a meet-and-greet – you might be able to catch her at CatCon again this year, just don’t expect her to be awake!

A cat after our own hearts, when she’s not busy doing photoshoots for the likes of Lucky Magazine or Modern Cat, Pudge spends her days sleeping in the sun and eating doughnuts. See more on Pudge’s Instagram.
