Little People, Big World Premiere Recap 02/20/24: Season 25 Episode 1 Sitting on a Knifes Edge

Little People, Big World Premiere Recap 02/20/24: Season 25 Episode 1 "Sitting on a Knife's Edge"

Tonight on TLC Little People, Big World returns with an all-new Tuesday, February 20, 2024, season 25 episode 1 premiere called, “Sitting on a Knife’s Edge,” and we have your Little People, Big World recap below.

In tonight’s Little People, Big World episode as per the TLC synopsis, “The family rallies around Zach as he suffers a major medical crisis that lands him in emergency surgery.

Matt forges ahead with his new house build despite the upset it’s caused. Amy is left dumbfounded when Matt reveals his future plans for the farm.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to come back for Our Little People, Big World recap tonight at 9 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, and more, HERE!

Tonight’s Little People, Big World episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

In tonight’s Little People, Big World episode, things were still tense in the Roloff family. Matt was very big about letting the farm be a family farm. Only his son Zach offered to buy the north side of the farm. The two couldn’t agree on price or requirements. Zach became so frustrated with his father that he ultimately chose to walk away from the farm.

He doesn’t even work there anymore. He gave that up too. He bought a place with plenty of land for his growing family. They live there now. Zach wanted nothing to do with his father’s farm. He was that angry with his father and his father was in turn angry with him as well. Matt looked at the farm as a business. And he was upset that Zach didn’t view it in the same light.

Matt actually couldn’t get any of his kids to take on the north side of the farm. He ended up texting them that he was going to do short-term rentals for that area and none of them responded.

They didn’t talk to their father. They talked to their mother. According to Amy, the children were all upset with Matt. Nothing changed that. Not even when something happened to change people’s perspectives. Zach began experiencing headaches. He went to the hospital. He was told he was suffering from Hydrocephalus. He was suffering from fluid on the brain due to his form of dwarfism.

Zach has had this before. The doctors put in a stint when he was a kid. They had to give him a new one when he returned to the hospital as an adult and so he had surgery done on his brain.

He was given a new stint. He might have to replace it every few years. He thankfully survived surgery. He didn’t think he would at the time. He was so scared that he entrusted his family to his mother. He asked his mother to be there for Tori and the kids if something happened to him. Amy stepped up to offer as much support as she could during the crisis.

Thankfully, it wasn’t needed. Zach was on the road to recovery. He was doing better now. He had scared his wife and so she still seems worried. Other than that they were good.

They were moving on together. They were happy. They know what to look for now if Zach starts getting headaches again. The whole thing should have made Zach realize that he has to reach out to his father and that didn’t happen. It was actually a few weeks after Zach’s surgery that Matt had his own news. He decided what to do with the farm.

Matt hated the short-term rentals. He kept finding so many strange things after them. Like a cue ball in the wall. Or something in the pool. He and his girlfriend were afraid of taking a black light to the house. They didn’t know what they would find and so Matt decided to create a new family home. Matt was building a new house.

He had heard that building a house will cause a divorce and he told Caryn he’s waiting to propose to her until after the house was finished. The two of them have discussed marriage quite frequently.

They feel like they’ll get married when the mood takes them. They could get engaged tomorrow or ten years from now. They were living day by day. They still weren’t really in communication with any of the kids. The kids let Matt see his grandchildren, but that was about it. He was just Grandpa.

He stopped being dad to the kids who all felt like he screwed over the family with the farm. He was also kinder to Amy now than he was before. Now that Amy no longer owes a stake in the farm, she and Matt get along just fine.

Matt even broke the news of the new house to her and her husband. Amy and Chris stopped by the farm. They wanted to let their dog Daisy run free for a while.

After they did that, they met up with the other couple to check out the new garage. They got to talking. Matt then reveals that he was leaving any parts of the farm that he might still have when he dies to Amy. Amy wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Matt couldn’t leave the farm to the kids because they weren’t really talking to him. He knew that by leaving it to Amy that the farm will still get to the kids and it will be from someone they still love.

It was all Caryn’s idea. Caryn didn’t want to take the farm even if they do get married because the farm was a family farm and its what Matt started with his family. It was before her. The two of them have Arizona. Arizona was their place. Not the farm.

