Clay Aiken is Running for Congress

20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - Show

Well, what can I say? We are just that good. What am I referring to? The simple fact that Clay Aiken is running for congress. Last month I wrote a rather extensive article for this site about how we thought he might, and here he is, doing it. It’s funny, if you flash backed to his year he was on American Idol, I really don’t think anyone would have seen this come. He was initially shy and quite quiet, but over time, he found his voice. Truth be told, he found it both literally and figuratively.

So why is Clay Aiken running for congress? The truth is, he started working with certain causes after American Idol, and just began to notice that there were a great many causes being ignored completely. Issues he felt like he needed to pick up and make more important again. Keep in mind, you will only be affected by him of you live in North Carolina, as that is where he hails from. MTV has quite a bit about his aspirations and goals, so pop over there and check it out.

All we can say is we wish him the best of luck in his political endeavors. Clay Aiken running for congress, huh? Now we have officially seen it all.

(Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)
