10 Celebrities Who Used to Work at McDonalds


Would you like fries with that? It’s a question that is not a stranger to many of the most famous celebrities in Hollywood, and not just because they may or may not have an addiction to exceptionally salty fries and greasy burgers at everyone’s favorite fast food restaurant. Believe it or not, before they were famous many of Hollywood’s biggest celebs actually flipped burgers, took orders and super sized your meals at McDonalds. Who, you ask? While you might not have ever received a burger from a famous face, plenty of you might have without even realizing it. Read on to find out which celebs once called McDonalds their primary employer.



Who doesn’t love Pink? And who is sitting here right now imagining that she was probably the worst McDonalds employee ever to work at the fast food chain? I am, and she is one to agree. She says that those were the days of her nightmares and she never wants to think about them, relive them or even remember them at all. Can’t say we blame her, I mean, the general public can be pretty rude as a whole if you accidently give them a diet coke instead of a regular coke. Heaven forbid.


Carl Lewis

He’s got some serious Olympic fame now, what with that Gold Medal and all, and he likes to say that he learned all about timing, which helped him win in the Olympics, while working at the Golden Arches. He said that he had to learn timing perfectly when making fries, keeping food warm and doing what needed to be done so that customers were satisfied with their meals, and that helped him in the games.


Sharon Stone

Before she was famous, she flipped burgers at McDonalds. She spent time taking orders, working the window and serving people all that they wanted before she made it big in Hollywood. We bet that had she mentioned her dreams to her coworkers back then, they would have laughed. But I guess they are the ones laughing now (though hopefully most of them have also worked their way up some sort of corporate ladder somewhere).


Star Jones

Everyone remembers that “The View” cohost from days long past used to battle her weight something fierce. Perhaps that was because she was once a fry cook at McDonalds, which would prove challenging for anyone who loves greasy food and salty fries. I’d probably gain 100 pounds in the first week working there and never want fast food again. Of course, she has done a lot better for herself since she left McDonalds, but she’ll always remember her days there with a little bit of horror.


Shania Twain

Before she was singing to the world about any man of mine, she was working at McDonalds in an Ontario, Canada location. She was an order taker and person who did pretty much whatever was asked of her on any given day. She was not into her job too much, but she did it because she needed the money and it was a paycheck for her. In fact, I’m going to go ahead and assume that most people who work in this location are not in it for the money so much as they are just so that they have a job.



The man with the beautiful voice almost didn’t make the list this time around, because his stint at McDonalds was so short he did not even make it past his first paycheck. No, let’s rephrase that one. He did make it past his first paycheck, but that’s all. He stayed approximately two weeks at his job, took home his pay and realized that it just was not the job for him. And thank goodness, otherwise we might not have ever been kissed by a rose.


Rachel McAdams

The beautiful actress likes to admit that she wasn’t overly invested in the job, describing her experience working for Ronald McDonald as being the woman who greeted customers as they came into the establishment. She willingly admits that her talents and her capabilities in the restaurant world ended right there. That’s all right, however, since she seems to have created a slightly more lucrative job for herself.

D.L. Hughley

DL Hughley

I remember when my husband and I went to see him in person at the Improv in Orlando a few years ago, and he touched my hand. I love him. He’s hilarious, and everything he does makes me laugh uncontrollably. But before he was a hugely famous and hilarious comedian, he was the young man cleaning the lobby in McDonalds. I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that a large portion of his comedy might come from days like that, spent mopping floors after people who took the family out for dinner in a place that could be easily escaped at a moments notice when the kids lost their minds.


Jay Leno

Did you ever order anything at the Andover, Massachusetts McDonalds at any point in the early 1970s? If you did, you might have ordered it right from the famous man himself, the talk show host everyone adores. He now has a car collection that probably rivals the annual salaries of every McDonalds employee combined, and he’s just rolling in the dough and the success his fame has created for him.


Keenan Wayans

Which one is he? I’m not actually sure since they are so many Wayans brothers lurking round the world, but I do know that he is one of them and that he is quite famous right now. But before he was famous, he was a high school student with a job at McDonalds. Don’t mistake him for your average order-taker, however. He had goals and dreams, and he worked his way up to manager of the esteemed establishment before he even walked the stage at his high school graduation. That’s not something to be ashamed of, in my opinion. It shows work ethic and dedication to a craft.

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